Friday, 18 January 2008


A zombie is a reanimated corpse. Stories of zombies originated in the Afro-Caribbean spiritual belief system of Vodou, which told of the dead being raised as workers by a powerful sorcerer. In modern horror fiction, zombies are generally undead corpses brought back from the dead by supernatural or scientific means, and are rarely under anyone's direct control. They typically have very limited intelligence, and hunger for the flesh of the living.

We typically didn't want to go for the slow type zombie is our game, so we had the idea of that while she wasn't fighting she moved slowly, stumbling around, but while she was fighting she moved really fast.

Zombies Film:

Shaun of the Dead
28 days later / 28 week later
Resident Evill
Night of the living dead
Day of the dead
Dawn of the dead
I Am Legend

The world's largest zombie walk was held on October 29, 2006 in Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the setting of Romero's original Dawn of the Dead film. The walk consisted of 894 attendees who all were instructed to bring canned food for a local food drive.

Reference picture below from Shaun of the dead

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