Thursday, 31 January 2008

walk cycle Test

I have been going back over the proecess of doing a walk cycle in maya and the first atempt was to say the least crap! lol The reason behind this was the timing in the walk and little overlap and follow though.

So after this test I went right back to basic, and read up on some of the animation book that I have at home looking at the differnt steps that are involved in the cycle and differnt follow through and secondary aniamtion.

It not that I dont understand the process of the walk cycle, its just transfering the skils into the 3D package and using the right tools for the job.

I was getting better in doing the cycle but it was taking a very long time where I was not that
conforident it doing it.

After I showed Dan C my very poor attemps, hahaha he showed me the way he would animate his walkcycle and what tricks and skils that he would use. He showed my the first step in the cycle using and tweeking the points in the graph editor to get more flow and control in the walk.

This really helped me to get a better understanding with using maya doing the walk cycle.

Thanks !

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