Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Week5/6 ahhhh !

This week and last week have been quite stressfull as there is so much to do and soo little time to do it. As well as doing this project we have also had to balance doing the Affter Effect project which is almost there really so not worring about that too much, But this stupid presentation work is soo getting in the way of every thing and take up soo much time. Though its got to be done so just have to deal with it and work harder. The start of last week the animation was going ok but there was still area that need to be fixed when doin the walk cycles. This where DanC was helping me and showing me how to improve the animaion and making it flow better. Toward the end of the week I began to start modeling the bits that Anna had gave to me on the friday then over the weekend I finished them off to show them to the rest of the group on the Monday to get feed back and what need to be chanege.

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