Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Modeling obects in the environment

As we are running out of time Anna and Dan R decided to give me some of the environmentaly objects to model. These aint really the main objects within the scene, apart from the teepees, but they need to be in the scene as would look too bare.
The things that i have model are the Teepees, watch tower, the jem, the entrence to the camp, the buffalo skeleton, pots and baskets, weapons and untencil and instruments.
These didnt really take too long to do, but getting the defromation in the objects and keeping the poly and tri count down was really hard, at first as the model was too high and going overt the poly count for the whole scene. ! !
After I show them to the rest of the group they all said that they need to be lower in the poly and tri count. and some need to be aultered in the shape to lower the count.

Pictures of the first attemps on all the objects are as shown below.

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