Monday, 18 February 2008

Teepee Updates

Well since starting on the teepees a while back they have been quite a few little tweaks to the shape and how it looks in genral. Here are the process images from starting out to nearing the end out the model. This was the first attemps at the teepee's and they were ok but still room for improvment. I show it to the rest of our group and they liked it : ) but they pretty much said they were too round at the bottom and needed to be more like where you could see the structure of the wooden poles under neath it. Also I thought the tops of the wooden ploes were too uniformd as well, they need to be more random.

Ths was my next attemp at the teepees but the only thing changed really was slecting every other vert and moving that out wards, + I added just the structure where once a teepee stood which I think works really well as the camp is very old and no one has been living there for a while.

What I did here was deleted every other of the vertical edges on the teepee which gave it more of a teepee looking shape and not soo rounded either. I also changed the lengh of the surport poles at the top which dramicly impoved it

From the picture above I duplicated it then this was going to be the high poly version for doing the normal mapping and I also add some colour to see what tis going to be like, instead of gray.

The small ornage rounded teepee in the background is the high ploy verison that I used to create the normal map.

Here are the Z bursh imaegs that ive been working on the last coulpe of days.

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